Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gluten Free Caramel Cookies :D

Hi everyone, I got up to a little baking this week :-)

As a lover of all things sweet you can imagine my delight when I recently discovered the new Nestle Caramel Bits in the supermarket! :D

Nestle Caramel Bits

I love cookies, but I have to eat gluten free for health reasons. As many of you may know it's a struggle to find yummy gluten free cookies in the supermarket (although it is getting better here in Australia), so I make my own from time to time :-)

I wanted to test out the new Caramel Bits so I made gluten free caramel chip cookies and also some gluten free white choc & caramel chip cookies (as my 'other half', Mr. B looooves white chocolate):

Nestle Caramel Bits. Gluten free white choc chocolate chip and caramel chip bits cookies
If only we had 'Smell-O-Vision' because these cookies smelt divine straight from the oven.
Personally, I found the Caramel Bits a bit too sweet for my liking. They aren't like chips of caramel, more like caramel flavoured compound chocolate. Having said that, Mr. B happily gobbled them up. Friends & family didn't complain about them being too sweet, so perhaps I'm just fussy!

You can see in this pic that I also made a couple of my favourite gluten free dark choc chip cookies (just couldn't help myself :P)

Nestle Caramel Bits. Gluten free caramel chip bits cookies. Gluten free choc chocolate chip cookies.

Does anyone have any ideas for what I can bake with the remaining Caramel Bits? I was thinking perhaps caramel chip muffins or adding caramel chips to gluten free choc brownies?

Feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you!

miss_tash x

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