Saturday, December 29, 2012

Presents from Mister Mailman :-)

Hello everyone. I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas! I had a wonderful (yet very stressful) time hosting Christmas this year. (But more on that in my up-coming Christmas post)

Little did I know that at the time all the stress was making me sick. Now that the Christmas rush is over I am taking time to have a breather & focus on recovering from illness. I won't be able to post clothing posts for the next few weeks as it's painful to try clothes on right now (terrible for a dress lover like myself).

But here's one I prepared earlier. A few things that Mr. Postman delivered before Christmas from my favourite online store, Modcloth:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Tee Out of Print Clothing Modcloth Novel Tee in Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Tee

The Very Hungry Caterpillar was a cherished childhood story for me, as I'm sure it was for many of you :-) So you can imagine how excited I was when I discovered it in a t-shirt! If this tee could talk it would tell you the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar (obviously :P) This tee is made by a company called Out of Print. Not only is it cute, but the purchase of this tee shirt sends one book to a community in need! :D

 I also got this gorgeous cherry print dress that I had in my wishlist for over a year. Sometimes it feels good to finally splurge on the things you have been longing for for so long :-)

Modcloth Pull Up a Cherry Dress Retro Rockabilly Cream Red
'Pull Up a Cherry Dress'

Here I am, caught on camera playing around with tinsel & laughing:
Modcloth Pull Up a Cherry Dress Retro Rockabilly Cream Red

If this dress could talk it would tell tales of the last day at work before Christmas vacation, sneaking sips of champagne, twirling in the courtyard & tales of many more adventures to come :-)

 I will do a Christmas post in the next few days once I trawl through the 100s of photos :P

Until then enjoy the summer days,
miss_tash x

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