Friday, November 16, 2012

Cute Kitten Tee

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I had a car accident this week and (as you can imagine) my life has been very busy & sore :-(

I haven't been feeling like myself lately & I think that reflected in what I wore to work for 'casual Friday' today:

This is only the 2nd time I've worn jeans to work ever & I felt very 'un-me'. However, I thought the t-shirt was cute because it has a boy & girl kittens on it & says 'Love is in the air'
Nawwww! :-)

I am looking forward to moving on from the events of this week & I am looking for the positives in each day :-)

In other news: I recently found a suitcase full of my old Polly Pocket toys from the 90's! I will be dusting them off & doing a blog post about them this weekend, so stay tuned.

Have a great weekend! 
miss_tash x

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