Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jewelry Organisation

For a the past 3 years or so I have been gradually reducing my wardrobe, buying less items and making sure that what I do buy is of the best quality I can afford. My current mood is for a complete wardrobe over haul! Editing my wardrobe and organising what is left so I can get the most out of my clothes.

I am currently in the middle of organising my wardrobe and I will post the results shortly. In the mean time I have begun to organise my costume/just for fun jewelry. *Please note that I am organising my wardrobe, jewelry and accessories on a budget. While Mr. B & I are saving for our wedding my dream home & decor is out of reach. These are just a few minimal, cheap & cheerful items/ideas that work for me in our current home.*

I have found that if I can't see it, I won't wear it. Of course, the most important item of jewelry is my engagement ring & a few special pieces from Tiffany & Co. But occasionally I do like to express my personality & mood by accessorising with costume jewelry.

My problem is that all of my bangles & costume rings are stored away in glass trinket boxes & jewelry boxes. There is so much crammed into them that I can't see what's what. They are scattered all over the house, which means I can't find them when I'm in a rush and I never wear the lovely things inside them.

I decided that I need the one place for all my rings & brooches-a simple flat case with a glass lid. I found this on ebay:

As for costume bracelets, a plain tube bracelet stand works the best for me so I can view everything & grab a bracelet before I rush out the door to work.  I found this stand on ebay.



I have a few exciting posts coming up, Amsterdam vintage finds & part 1 of my wardrobe organisation to name a few, so stay tuned.

miss_tash x

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